Thursday, March 15, 2007

Smallville: Promise

Well it's been on hiatus for a month but it's finally here, new Smallville episodes. HOOOORAY!!!
We start back with the climatic Luthor-Lang wedding, and brother this was no doubt one the best episodes of the series. Bold claim eh? Well I explain...

This season began with "Zod", another one of my favourite episodes, but the season kinda had it's ups and downs, but when it hit a high, it was HIGH boy. Promise was a great episode for so many reasons, for one it had a great story, Clark's arch enemy Lex Luthor marrying the love of his life Lana Lang. Already that's a pretty engaging storyline, but the director Rick Rosenthal, a Smallville director regular, took it to a whole new level. The story took place all in one day, but shown through three different perspectives Clark's, Lex's and Lana's. It was so different from what a Smallville episode usual is. This put me in mind of past episodes like "Crusade" and "Reckoning" where the episodes were shot differently than the usual Smallville fare. The episode was also beautifully shot, every episode of Smallville is, but this one had such great camera angles, lighting and the settings were just so perfect.

The script penned by Smallville veterans Brain Peterson and Kelly Souders was just terrific. The dialogue was great, which is good, because sometimes the dialogue in a Smallville episode sounds like it was written by George Lucas. The big event of this episode wasn't just the i do's, it was the reveal of Clark's secret to Lana. Six years in the making and finally Lana found out about Clark's secret. The cool thing is that fans always imagined Lana finding out by Clark telling her, but she actually found out by spying on Clark and seeing him use his powers. The other cool thing was after seeing this she was about to leave Lex hanging at the altar, but Lionel put a stop to it and said that "if she didn't marry Lex he would kill Clark". So Lana regretably married Lex, and Clark now thinks Lex pressured her to marry him. The other thing were the dream sequences, Lex's was the coolest, seeing his babies ultra-sound and revealing that it was some sort of monster. Could that mean that Lex and Lana's baby isn't human? We'll soon find out.

The actors were their finest this whole season, Kristen Kreuk was so good as Lana. Lana has become a hated character because of her wining and constant sadness, but this episode her character was very well done. I actually felt bad for her situation, rather than wish her scenes would go by faster. Lex was as evil as ever in this episode. In one scene he meets with Lana's doctor in the crypt underneath the wedding chapel, the doctor tells Lex that he is going to tell Lana the truth about her baby unless Lex gives him 2 million dollars...blah...blah...the same old black mail thing right? Wrong. Lex starts wailing on the guy, beating him to a bloody pulp until hes dead, and then hides the remains in the crypt's coffin. A really great Lex moment. Clark was also great, I love seeing Superman, the strongest man to ever live, at his weakest. I feel really bad for him. Lionel has once again to be a mystery, he began this season on Clark's side and now is threatening his life, I must say I am glad to see the old asshole Lionel back, but I'm curious to see his intentions.

This season began really strong with episodes like Zod, but kinda cooled off by doing too much episodes with the Green Arrow, he was cool but he kinda overshadowed Clark a bit. But since January this season has been pumping out some of the best episodes of the entire season. Who would have thought Smallville would still be doing great episodes in its sixth season.

Go Smallville WOOO!!!


1 comment:

Avi said...

Yeah, this is this season's best episode since Zod. And I don't hate Lana anymore. Wicked.